
VariantSets and variants allow for authoring a “switchable” state of a prim within a layer. In the example below, a top level prim with the name Implicits is authored which defines a VariantSet named Shape. This VariantSet defines a few different entries (aka variants ) that each do something different.

When changing the active variant, USD will inject anything that is defined within that variant into the current composition. In our example, each variant adds a child to Implicits with differing types. One is a capsule, another a cube, a sphere, and so on.

Variant/VariantSet example

Variant Sets

Within variant definitions, you are essentially free to do whatever you want. If you wish to define a complete hierarchy in a variant, you can. Add references to other layers? You can. Expressing opinions on values or metadata, you can. However.

There can only ever be one Variant active at a time for a VariantSet.